005 halloween launch

Thursday, October 31, 2019

My first season of Autumn spent in Beverly Hills has been spicy and adventurous. I love my new home. My spirit has yearned to feel the winds of change for years. With great joy I name today the inaugural launch of my new blog and online persona, Psychic Gloom. With this new guise I lay my old Internet identity to rest. I am finally burying that name and the associations that came with it. I am free to explore the personality I have matured into, to pursue new hobbies and to share it online in journal entries.
My spirit has yearned to feel the winds of change for years.

It is my wish to to pick the forgotten dream of the online journal back up. Samhain Moon would have been 9 years old today. How time flies! A genuine thank you goes out to all of you that accompanied me through the journey and found your way here today.

I get emotional about change and I resist it despite all of the signs my life gives me that it's time to let go and move on. I hang onto it to the very last moment when it comes to matters of the heart, or my line of work. The things I love I try to hang onto. For some reason the same goes for fear. The feeling of letting go pushes intense feelings to rip through me like vicious ocean waves: fear, excitement, recklessness, bravery, growth. All bubbling inside you.

I lived in Los Angeles for seven years before moving here. Lucky no. 7.

♡ Diary: Entries & Advice
♡ Illustration + Design
♡ Tarot + Divination
♡ Gaming
♡ Magic: The Gathering
♡ Lifestyle: Music, travel, Los Angeles

These are the focal points of my blog. I'm sure about another decade out things will be very different than how they are today, but that's just part of the journey. We're all going through it. I've learned to listen to the signs when life says it's time to get going. Keeping the flow going is conductive to growth. Here's to the next decade.

Cheers, keep going.

004 october

Tuesday, October 1, 2019

I can't write this entry without screaming very loudly in my head. On the day this post goes live I will be moving into a house with my favorite boys. It's the start of my birthday month, which is usually a mournful time for me. No matter how the day goes, I've got my hopes set to form a happy life with the ones I love.

This month is big for me! I'm turning 31 later during the month and I've got a Twenty One Pilots concert I'm freaking out about on the 1st of November. Jesus take the wheel! We'll be seeing Melanie Martinez play her K-12 tour the following well. I'm not ready!

The move finally happened. I had a really intense and eventful day as I moved out of Los Angeles after living there since I first settled. I had a really emotional personal moment where I wanted a piece of me to remain behind in the place I learned so many life lessons in, so I painted strand of my hair into the wall outside my bedroom. It's not visible under the thick paint, but even when someone lives their life there I preserve a very small part of myself in my old crow's nest. I do things like this when it matters.

The crisp and light winds of change carried me through an intense five hour move. I had a surprising pleasant time after all the packing was done. I got really lucky with my movers, we all got along and they set my new space up to look like I had already been living there. I'll be moving things around to my liking, but they did an amazing job and I am happy I went with that option.

I had some interesting conversations and situations happen to me as the day transpired. It felt really good to experience such a dramatic change sweep through. It feels like pulling this off was a personal achievement. I introduced myself to my new mail man, who was confused he had mail for a house 'no one lived in.' Hi, I'm Gloom and I haunt this house now. Going to spark a celebratory bowl and relax.

The beams of pure joy radiating from me were so great. Now I'm cozying up to enjoy the rest of my night. I'm going to play some Tetris Effect tonight to keep the celebration going. Tomorrow I have an appointment to go take my driver's license test; I have put it off since I moved to Los Angeles. It is still on my list of important things to take care of. Look at me, going through some personal growth with an errand I've postponed for six years. The apartment I left was my shelter as I experienced real life in an aggressive way. I did a lot of growing there but also had to process loss and trauma. It was time to move on, I was ready to let it go. I'm going to live a new life now.

I am very excited about my next chapter, and hope you will accompany me as I go through it. Really looking forward to get settled in my new home. We have an amazing kitchen that I am excited to cook in. During the afternoons I'll take my tea and have breakfast by the garden in the dining room. We're really looking forward to get to know the new neighborhood and to enjoy better quality of life. It'll be a totally routine for me and I couldn't be more excited.

Mr. Robot
The new season is starting this month. I have been waiting for it since the last episode of the last season aired. The fans are all very excited to find out how it ends. How will Elliot Alderson say goodbye to his friend?

I find the writing to this series complete. You get good story, deep characters you love and hate to let go. I am crazy about Sam Esmail's experimental film techniques and urge everybody to check it out. It's a really underrated show. The inner commentary is pure gold, and has been responsible for deep introspection. This show sends my entire world spinning.

Trip to Disneyland October 8th.

The drive to Anaheim was about an hour. Chris and I listened to our Disneylandbound playlist. After checking into our hotel we went out to dinner with his uncle and a rather large squad. We had a nice time in Downtown Disney, then we made our way back to the hotel to relax before what would come to be a round-the-clock adventure. The next morning we made our way to the park, to be greeted by Disney jack-o-lanterns for Mickey, Minnie, Donald, Goofy, Pluto. There were banners to indicate that it is the special “HalloweenTime” in Disneyland. I was delighted!

The first thing I did is head on over to the Starbucks to get some coffee, admiring the sixteen casually playing recognizable tunes right outside. The coffee shop was full in the morning, and had Halloweentime menu items such as Maleficent Frappucino and Dr. Facilier Elixir. The Malecifent Frappucino has blueberry and vanilla bean creme frappe blended with diced dragonfruit; topped with matcha tea whipped cream. The Dr. Facilier Elixir has layered chai tea and lemonade iced beverage topped with a splash of passion fruit tea.

After the coffee shop, we walked around the park and took in all of the changes. I was absolutely delighted. Jack Skellington sat atop a jack-o-lantern pumpkin admiring a snowflake. The entire Haunted Mansion was decorated very elaborately with wreaths, candles and spiderwebs. Inside the graphics had changedi into a Nightmare Before Christmas theme, and much of the ride was different. You could smell the gingerbread house all the way from where we were sitting. They make a new one every year, and this one was celebrating the 50th anniversary of the Haunted Mansion. We had such a great time, we went through it twice.

The Halloweentime ghosts inside the Haunted Mansion made the ride more special. I got a lot of chances to take photos to remember it by. We had walked around quite a bit. After perusing the store with Nightmare Before Christmas merch, we made our way to Galaxy's Edge. We went on Smuggler's Run and I got 100% accuracy as an engineer. I got an appointment at Oga's Cantina where I enjoyed Bantha's Blue Milk and the Fuzzy Tauntaun. The robot that was originally used to pilot Star Tours was the DJ. Nice upgrade!

After that we went on Indiana Jones. A 30 minute standby wait for it went really fast. I enjoy talking to Chris very much, and am happy that we can spend so much time together having fun the entire time. We had a hearty pasta lunch at Pizza Planet and went on the fearsome Hyperspace Mountain. It was Chris' first time going on it in its current incarnation. It was a bit rough for me this time around, but I was smiling in the photo they took.

As night fell we were very sore. We went to Oga's Cantina together and had a great time chatting and enjoying the environment. Further into the night we went into Savi's Workshop. During the workshop I smiled a whole lot. They make it special for you. After a ritualistic experience we emerged, delighted, with our own custom lightstabers. I wonder what would happen if we were to walk around with them where we would be seen by the first order. I got a Tim Burton's Nightmare Before Christmas pen with Zero on it. It as illustrations of Vampire Teddy on it. We walked out of the park at closing time, basking in the afterglow of a perfect date. We had a great time.

Something that stands true after a visit to Disneyland is that you start to miss the environment of the park. It has hosted some of the best adventures I have had in California to date. I enjoy quiet time connecting to nature and romance in the mountain forests, but I do also really love theme parks. Life has thrown me a few surprises since I first went back in 2018, but it's always fun when I'm there!

We love the park so much that we got these Magic Candle Company candles. We got the Haunted Mansion candle and the Pirate Life candle so far. Throughout the day we light the wick to experience a little bit of that Disney magic in our personal lives. The musty vanilla scent is to die for! We're addicted. We ended up purchasing the Pirate's Life and Splash candles since then.